Sunday, May 9, 2010

Maine State Republican Convention

This past weekend I attended my first Maine State Republican Convention. I was part of the live audience that watched the historical gubernatorial debate and heard the 20 minute speeches on Saturday. The convention provided an opportunity to talk to all of the candidates.
This was an amazing experience.

I went to the convention undecided. Here are is a reflection about the Republican Gubernatorial Candidates based on the debate, their speeches, and conversations with the candidates.

As a pro-life activist the candidate I support must be pro-life. To vote for someone that will undermine all of my hard work would be very stupid.

Steve Abbott, Peter Mills, and Les Otten are all Anti-Life.

During the debate the question, “Which state department would you eliminate?” As a Maine state employee this question put me at the edge of my seat. The department I work for was not mentioned.

Steve Abbot, Bill Beardsley, Paul LePage and Peter Mill all gave answers that showed they have done their homework and have knowledge of Maine State Government.

Bruce Poliquin stated that he would have to look at each department and then decided. That research should have been done before deciding to run for Governor. One month before the primaries, Poliquin indirectly admitted he has not done the necessary preparation to be Governor.

Less Otten said that he would get rid of Clean Elections. In the crowd someone said, “So he can spend his own money.” Otten use to be part owner of the Red Socks.

Matt Jacobson gave the party line by saying Dirigo Health Care. The Republican Party opposes Dirigo Health Care because it is broke and there is no money to keep it going without debt.

On the speeches on Saturday Bruce Poliquin said, “I’m the only one running who has management experience.” Jacobson is a CEO; LaPage is a Mayor and the General Manger for Mardens; Beardsley is president of an university. That crazy statement is the only thing I remember Ploiquin saying.

I have narrowed it down to three candidates.

Matt Jacobson

Matt Jacobson - One of the issues is the railroad on the boarder of Maine and Canada. His input regarding the railroad during the debate showed he has done preparation. Jacobson is President and Chief Executive Officer of Maine & Company a company that recruits companies and brings them to Maine. He is a military veteran and has been tested in combat. He took a failing railroad and made it successful. He believes in Parental Notification for minors seeking abortion. He will sign pro-life legislation that comes across his desk. He adopted two children. Jacobson told me that it cost $25,000 to adopt a child. He believes if the costs were lower more people would adopt. He believes that State Shut Down Days lacks imagination and hurts relationships with the people who work for the state. When talking with Jacobson I found out he has a modern management style. His management style is to sit down with the people who do the work, to find out problems and take their suggestions from the employees on how to solve them.

Bill Beardsley

Bill Beardsley is very informed on the life issues. He is aware that the primary target of the abortion industry is minorities and knows a large number of abortions are done because the child is a girl. He is against the death penalty. He has been the president of Husson University for twenty-two years and his wife is a school teacher. Beardsley told me that he wants to eliminate the Department of Education and give local school the freedom they need teach. He and his wife have seen problems with Maine’s Learning Results criteria. This idea is very different from the current administration’s forcing school consolidation on local communities. I will be studying Beardsley’s proposals very carefully before making my decision.

Paul LePage

Paul LePage left home at age 11 and for a time lived on the streets. He has been in the welfare system and has seen the traps of the system that keep people on welfare. He has a plane to reform the welfare system, so people will be off from it in five years. He is charge of the chain of Marden’s stores, which is growing under LaPage’s leadership. As Mayor of Waterville he has increased the raining day fund and has lowered taxes. LePage is pro-life and pro-family.

During the Republican Convention Paul LePage did something that impressed me. Late Friday afternoon we separated by counties to elect county officers. LePage visited the county meetings; at the Kennebec County session he said, “My campaign has the least amount of money, but we have a lot of volunteers. If any of you local candidates need help let my campaign know and we will find you volunteers.” This says two things about LePage’s character: He thinks of other people and not just himself. He doesn’t have much, but he is willing to share what he has.

General Observation

Every candidate had supports at the convention. All the candidates except Poliquin had supports near the stage and after the candidates speech the supporters gathered in the front and cheered. LePage’s supporters were near the front of the stage and on the perimeter of the room. After LePage’s speech his supports made four lines in front of the stage and there was not enough space for everybody to fit. Supporters were still on the perimeter and other supporters stood from the seated section. LePage appeared to have the most support at the convention. Of all the candidates he gave the most motivating speech.

My decision

At this point I’m leaning towards LePage. However, I want to read the candidate materials and review their websites before making my final decision. I’m also going to follow them on twitter.


Anonymous said...

At the Bangor debate each candidate was asked, "Would you sign civil unions into law?" Bill Beardsley is the only candidate who said "no." Bill Beardsley's family values coupled with his experience in business, energy, and education make him the best candidate for Maine!

Anonymous said...

LePage is the only authentic candidate who can win. Beardsly has no shot of winning.

Unknown said...

Paul LePage's web site indicates he's pro family in the traditional sense. This should be established without question. The Tea Party in the central Maine region was decidely supporting LePage at the recent Tax Day Tea Party event which I attended. I did not know LePage at that time but have looked at and read his web site where he states his positions on a number of issues including social issues. I recommend interested parties read that over and ask him questions at any event he attends.
What I do think is essential is that conservatives who are not only fiscally conservative but also pro-life and pro-family get mobilized behind a candidate whom they feel they are willing to support and become unified behind if we want that candidate to have a real chance of winning the primary and the election.